
Wednesday, September 22, 2010

perfect moments!!

i thought of jotting down a few moments in my life that i will savour for years to come.The reasons maybe the perfect people that i had around me or the perfect timing that things went be or the perfect co incidences that took place one after the other all together to form Perfect moments.

 *The moment i set my set on my dog Caru and I knew that she had to be in my house was a moment i shall treasure for the rest of my life.She has no only been a great dog,but my perfect companion and she has seen the day my grandma died coz of a stroke and she knew that it was going to be the last day i see my Grandmum alive.The decision to keep her was the best moment in my life.
*The day I found my soul mate in Mario was perfect.With a long history behind,he accepted me for what I am and what nonsense i do or shall do in the future.He shall always be watching my back from time to time and be the support I can fall back on.
*The day i made Joshu my friend in the hostel was perfect.She is a complete extrovert who does not really care how or what do people think and she is a good Secret keeper.We have had a great deal of fun together and have a rocking time together.
 *That evening when Joshu and me went biking in Mumbai straight till we reached the Gateway of India and even entered Taj Mahal in shorts "just to have a look around".
*Mario gifted me i touch and my reaction to it was "wow,I phone"and his face turned as small as an apple and we later laughed our hearts out at it.
*How can i forget the moment I set my eyes on the panvel house and then the day when the house keys wer actually in my hand!
*The day Mum, Piu and me entered our hotel room in Switzerland too find that our window opened straight in front of the Snow capped mountains and the Mount Titlis right ahead looking at us.
*Hanging out with friends at night in Goa only to realise that we have really reached Sindhudurg fort at morning.It was a hazy dream them and it still is a dream.
*Perfect was the moment when i was sliding down a cliff head downwards to fall straight in to a rivulet of water from height of over 15 ft,and Mario caught hold of my hand to stop my fall.Had that not happened I do not think I would have been alive today or else even if I would I will be in a "Dismantled state".
*The next perfect moment was when i stopped sliding I cried out for help loudly to my friends and mario shouts at me sayin"shut up!stop SCREAMING"!!(because we wer in a jungle and my screams would invite all the wild four legged animals to us..)I can still picture the whole thing in my mind clearly and still hear his voice shouting at me to shut up!!